BookFunnel is a common book delivery service that many authors use to deliver their free book to contest winners.

To be able to deliver a free book through BookFunnel, you will need a paid account (see BookFunnel's account options and pricing here).

View BookFunnel's FAQ


To add a book on BookFunnel:

  1. Log in to your BookFunnel author dashboard, navigate to the "Add New" button —> select "Add New Book" from the dropdown.
  2. Add your book details, upload files and cover image, and hit "Save Book".

To set up a free Download Page for the contest winners:

  1. Click on your book from your dashboard, scroll down to "Download Pages" and click "Add Page".
  2. For delivering your free book to the winners, select the option that does NOT require an email address.
  3. On the next page, add your download page details, and hit "Save Download Page".
  4. Email the download page link to the contest winners!

*Note: For BookSweeps Author Email Spotlight promotions, you'll need a BookFunnel Mid-List Author plan or higher to add subscribers to a mailing list via a free book download link. 

This requires a mandatory opt-in link to be set up for your book, so all the readers coming your way from the promotion are added to your email list for downloading the book.

To set up a Giveaway Page with email collection (for Freebies):

  1. Click on your book from your dashboard, scroll down to "How do you want to share?" and click on the button "I want to send a link to my readers."

  2. Select the book you want to create the download page for and then make sure to create an email signup page to collect new readers that also requires readers to join your mailing list in order to receive the book.

  3. Add your giveaway page details, and hit "Save Giveaway".
  4. Once the giveaway page has been saved, you can grab the link for readers on the next page:

  5. You can now find this link at any time by clicking on your giveaway book and grabbing the link that says "Opt-in Required"


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