How do I gift a winner an audiobook? Are there any restrictions?

To gift your audiobook to the two winners of a Multi-Author List-Building or BookBub Follower promotion audiobook giveaway, please refer to the information below. 

If you have your audiobook MP3 files, you can alternately use a file-sharing service like  Dropbox or Box to host your audiobook for free download.


When your audiobook was published on Audible (ACX), they should have emailed you with 25 complementary free download codes for your audiobook. 

Audible promotional/claim codes are site-specific. If you create a code on, a user can only redeem it on The same goes for,,, or

Since can be used globally, our advice is to create your codes there.

For more information,  please see Audible's FAQ on promotional codes.

NOOK Audiobooks

B&N Gift Cards are not available for use towards  NOOK Audiobooks purchases/subscriptions at this time.


At present, Kobo does not allow audiobooks to be gifted, nor for audiobooks to be redeemed with Kobo store credits. For more information, please see their Audiobooks FAQ.

Google Play

The user purchasing the gift must designate a single recipient using an individual email address. Such gifts can only be purchased and redeemed by users in the same country. Google Play gifts are valid only for users who are residents of the countries listed below.

Google Play Book gifts can only be sent to/redeemed by residents in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.

Google Play promo codes are only available in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

For more information, please see their complete  Gift Card & Promotional Code Terms and Conditions

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