Amazon Followers

To check your Amazon Follower count, log in to Amazon Author Central

Once you're in Author Central, click on "Reports + Marketing" in the top toolbar. 

From there, you can find your current Amazon followers in the Reports section.

Be sure to make a note of your Amazon Followers before the promotion starts so you can track your increase in Followers. 

BookSweeps does not have access to your reports, so we cannot track this data for you. If you'd like to see how many Amazon Followers you gained as a result of the promotion, you'll have to track your Followers before and after the promotion.

BookBub Followers

There are two ways to check your BookBub Follower count. First, you can log in to your BookBub Partners' Dashboard

From there, you will see your BookBub Follower count displayed on the righthand side of the screen.

Alternatively, you can also check your BookBub Follower account directly from your profile page. 

It's important to check your BookBub Follower count before and after your promotion so you can track how many Followers you've gained over the course of the promotion.