How Do I Create A Community Sweep?

Please note: in order to add your first Reader Magnet, you must first set up your Pen Name page. Click here to learn how to Add Your Pen Name.

Registered users can add a Sweep hosted outside of BookSweeps to drive readers to their promotions. 

First, log in and visit your dashboard.

From there, click “Add New” to add your first Sweep.

You will then be redirected to the following form to add your Sweep.

(Note: the following screenshots are from a Premium account. You can click here to upgrade your account for more benefits.)

First connect your Pen Name. You can do so by clicking your Pen Name on the lefthand side.

You'll see your Pen Name appear on the right side, which means that it is activated.

You can then fill out the following form.

Your giveaway link should link directly to your giveaway’s landing page.

Add your promotion details, such as a synopsis of your book or a description of the promo if it includes more than one author.

Your start and end dates should reflect your promotion. If this is an ongoing giveaway or if the dates change, this can be modified later.

When adding a Primary Genre, you can either pick from the dropdown list, or start typing your genre in the field below:

When selecting your Subgenre, you can find your Primary Genre in the field below:

Then scroll down and check only the subgenre that applies, not the primary genre.

Note: We recommend including only up to two subgenres. 

Select your prize type and the number of prizes.

You can add additional details below, or click "Submit" once you have finished the form.

Congratulations, your promotion is now up and running on our Sweeps Directory! 🎉

You can click "Edit Post" at any time to Edit your Sweep. 

Your Sweep will now have its own landing page, which you can share with your readers:

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